Headfort House
Please join us in 2024 to celebrate 75 Years of Education at Headfort.
We will be hosting several exciting events for Past Pupils and Friends of Headfort. For more information and to be added to our mailing list please contact office@headfortschool.com
For 75 years Headfort House has resonated to the clatter of children’s footsteps and echoed to their laughter. As the only surviving Robert Adam-designed interior in Ireland housed behind a façade constructed by George Semple in the 1770s, Headfort School has been intrinsic to the survival of this unique piece of Irish history. In turn, generations of children have enjoyed an early introduction to one of the great 18th century architects. Having been owned and maintained by Headfort Trust since 1996 Headfort House was included on the World Monument’s Fund 100 Most Endangered Sites in 2004, which brought renewed interest to the building. We aim to continue to restore and upgrade this unique piece of Irish architecture, investing in the future of this country by honouring its past.