School Life
An enormous emphasis is placed on the mental wellbeing of pupils from the Montessori up to 6th Form. We believe that the key to happy and resilient children is for them to understand the concept of responsibility and manners early on so this is fostered from the earliest days at Headfort.
Kindness and empathy are central to the ethos of our Early Years program and a form of mindfulness is also practised at this stage. Form teachers monitor the individual progress of each child and our small size allows us to understand all of our pupils thoroughly. Teachers are always approachable to listen to pupils regarding any problems that might present themselves and there is a weekly staff meeting at which concerns can be discussed. The school has a dedicated chef and offers a balanced menu for all our pupils from Junior Infants up.
Children may board from 3rd Form and this encourages an internationally diverse student body with pupils from Spain, France, Mexico, Germany, Russia and many other countries regularly joining for one or several terms. Flexi (maximum 2 nights a week) and ‘ sleep-overs’ for day pupils are welcomed.
There are dedicated staff who create a home-from-home atmosphere for residential students and are attentive to any potential problems or homesickness that might arise. As befitting our close and small community there is a longstanding tradition of boarders being frequently welcomed home by their friends at weekends.
Outside the classroom
Music, Drama, and Cooking

Other pursuits that are offered include Carpentry, Cookery, Speech & Drama and Music (all instruments are catered for and there is an exceptional school choir and concerts several times a year). Drama is also a popular activity with multiple productions taking place in the school theatre each year.
There is also a dedicated band room allowing for a more idiosyncratic take on the performing arts and Headfort bands frequently entertain the other pupils.

Sport is an integral part of the school day at Headfort where we believe in the benefits of participating in team sport, promoting a sense of community, as well as deriving the health benefits that go with regular exercise.
The core sports played at Headfort are Rugby, Hockey, Cricket, Basketball and Softball or Rounders and matches are frequently played against other schools. Tennis, Golf and Swimming are all optional extra choices for Prep School children.

Headfort is also unique in its ability to offer riding as an extra-curricular activity with beautiful and extensive grounds for hacking, a full cross-country course and a purpose-built outdoor ménage. Many children choose to stable their ponies at school and some of our more accomplished riders have competed in national competitions.

The landscape around Headfort provides an expansive ‘playground’, from the classical topiary at the front of the house to the ‘forts’ in the woods to the back, where children are encouraged to play and explore safely.
Get in touch to learn more about our activities.